
Amith has accomplished today what would take clan Tother-ka a month!
- -- Amith, High Shaper of the Heritors of Sezerak
Biological Information
Physical Characteristics Sociocultural Information
The Gith are perhaps the last major remnants of the once great Sezerak Empire. Created millennia ago by Apsis fleshwarpers, the Gith were the loyal warriors of Sezerak. For hundreds of years the Gith served as the Apsis shock troops in all of their major engagements in the Savagelands (Orgalis). Because of this domination, the Gith are now a feared force in the southern parts of the Savagelands, even though they are mostly content on controlling the Sybillian High and Lowlands and seem to have little care about expanding their holds.
Since the fall of the Sezerak Empire at the hands of the Serpent Sybil, the Gith have reluctantly began caring for themselves. Spreading out over sourthern Orgalis, these military units have become tight-knit clans of Gith warriors who quickly adapted to life on the savannah. Learning to hunt and live off the natural surroundings, the military training still passed down amongst these warriors has proved to be a boon to their survival and a major hindrance to all others who wish to enter their territory. The Gith believe that survival clan unit is the priority, placing very little worth on the individual.
Recently however, the Gith have gained a new power, and with it a new mentality. Over time it seems as if the latent psionic connection the Gith once shared with the Apsis has begun to manifest itself amongst the modern population. Some Gith have even begun to learn to control this new psionic power and have quickly risen to be the leaders of their tribes, sometimes causing a schism between the psionic Gith (who believe in personal worth over clan worth) and the normal Gith. Because of this new found ability many of the neighbors of the Sybillian savannahs, particularly the Wilders, have begun to worry that the Gith may be returning to their roots and fear they may once again attempt to expand their territory.
Serpent's Worship
The religion of the Gith has long been deep seeded in the beliefs of their parent race, the apsis. Since most of the devout worshippers of Sseth, this devotion has continued down to the Gith. All Gith worship Sseth. Although clerics are rare amongst the clans, they are almost always clerics of Sseth. Although the Gith acknowledge the existence of several other deities, these deities are seen as second to The Betrayer. Although clerics of Sheshanata, Tiamat, and others do exist, they are in the severe minority and are only allowed in the clan because of the benefits that accompany them.
The Gith are tall, gaunt humanoids averaging a little over 6 feet tall and typically weighting around 170 pounds. They have rough yellow skin and russet hair, which they often pull back into a pair of topknots. Their noses are almost flat, their eyes are dull yellow or gray, often having a sinister gleam and their ears are sharply pointed. The Gith favor ornate and complex clothing and weapons, often ornamenting themselves with bones, teeth, etc. from their kills.
Gith Names
A Gith’s primary allegiance is to his clan, so his clan name is usually given first when addressing strangers. A Gith also has an individual name, to which he does not give much importance. The exceptions to this are the psionic Gith, who often drop their clan name, thus being referred to only by their personal name.
Male Names: Baarya, Duuth, Fiden, Kastya, Klavya, Saath, Zith, Zomm
Female Names: Aith, Efromm, Ifrith, Iliss, Olavya, Ummon, Usamm, Ysviden
Clan Names: Druustya, Fiden-sither, Githom-vaas, Totherka, Saamasal, Zuriith-movya
Powers and Abilities
- Ability Score Increase- Your Strength score increases by 2 and Dexterity score increases by 1.
- Alignment- Gith tend toward lawful evil. They are aggressive and arrogant, and they remain the faithful servants of Sseth. Renegade Gith tend toward chaos.
- Gith Psionics- You have advantage on all Wisdom saving throws.
- Martial Prodigy- You are proficient with light and medium armor and with shortswords, longswords, and greatswords.
- Mental Discipline- You have advantage on saving throws against the charmed and frightened conditions. Under the tutelage of their masters, Gith learn to govern their own minds.