
The power of our great ancestors flow through our veins and direct our swords…
- -- Kazar Vannil , Sorcerer Supreme
Biological Information
Physical Characteristics A Khiasa'Kesir typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 50 and can live to be 300 years old.
Due to their lives in the desert, Khiasa'Kesir typically have a tanned to very dark complexion
Sociocultural Information
Warriors seemingly born in the saddle, the Khiasa’Kesir have taken their first steps along their quest to rebuild the empire of their ancestors. Although the Khiasa’Kesir do not differ greatly from their elven cousins in the Eldaar, their young culture and newborn aggression make them a race unto themselves in the eyes of the rest of Sytheria.
The Khiasa’Kesir declared their own sovereignty after the end of the Tunarian Conflicts, claiming the desert known as the Shifting Sands as their own. The lands that they hold are a wasteland that few could survive, however these specially trained warriors have made it their home and defend it ferociously and quite successfully.
Despite their nomadic nature, the Khiasa’Kesir have founded a capital in the middle of their desert realm, and although there are few permanent inhabitants of the city of Ahsemmet, all of the Khiasa’Kesir tribes come to this great city at least once in their yearly rotations.
The Khiasa’Kesir most closely resemble the Rilis’Kesir from which they are descended. The have the typical physical features that unite all of the Elven races, including tall lithe frames, angular features and long pointed ears. The Khiasa’Kesir are born with a pallid skin tone, however their lifestyle and the desert sun quickly change that. Their eyes vary greatly in color, with almost any nature coloring possible. Khiasa’Kesir hair color is not a widely varied, however. Most Khiasa’Kesir have anywhere from dark brown to dirty blonde hair. In order to better remember their noble origins, the Khiasa’Kesir have also taken up a rather odd custom of tattooing their bodies with their runic language. These tattoos contain the history of their clans and are quite magical in nature. Some of the more accomplished sorcerers of the Khiasa’Kesir have actually learned to tap into the innate magic of these runes, allowing them to augment their own spells with their power.
The Khiasa’Kesir tend to wear clothing very Arabian in appearance. This is due to the needs of the desert life. Baggy clothes are commonplace, usually browns, yellows, and white, in order to better blend in with their surroundings. If a Khiasa’Kesir clan knows a large battle is eminent, they will often suit up in full armor for protection, and if they can help it, attack at night. Their armor is usually bronze in color, however the Order of Ancerien wears armor of tempered gold with crimson red cloaks.
The Courts
The Khiasa'Kesir has a strict caste system know as the Four Courts. Each Court is defined by their talents and when a Khiasa'Kesir comes of age (18 for men and 20 for women) they must choose which Court they are to join. Although it is possible to rise and fall within the Court, after their initial choice it is not possible to willingly change Courts. The only way out of a Court is to be banished from the Court by its leadership, unfortunately it is not possible for the Kesir to join another Court after being banished, resulting in being unaligned. These Kesir are referred to being members of "The Court of Beggars".
The Court of Blades
The Court of Blades is responsible for the protection of Ahsemmet and the Khiasa'Kesir as a whole. Typically consisting of warriors and other martial focused Kesir, the members of the Court of Blades typically act as guardians of escorts of the Khiasa'Kesir nomadic caravans as they move throughout the Shifting Sands. All members of the Court of Blades must perform a twenty-five year deployment within the city of Aksemmet every century. Within the city of Ahsemmet the Blades act as city guards and as the organized army of the Khiasa'Kesir.
The Court of the Coin
Perhaps the most loosely organized of the Four Courts, the Court of the Coin are also one of the most powerful as they control all commerce in and out of the Shifting Sands. The amount of coin a member has determines their rank within the Court, making the richest the most powerful. Although corruption is common within the Court, it is illegal for any merchant to act directly against another, often resulting in back alley deals between trading syndicates (often leveraging barrashar as intermediaries). The Thieves Guild is also part of the Court of the Coin.
The Court of Faith
The Court of Faith drives all the spiritual portions of life within the Shifting Sands. Despite the more martial focus of the empire, the Khiasa'Kesir understand the importance of properly serving their gods. Primarily worshipping Ancerien of the Golden Blade, the Court of Faith also honors older Kesir gods such as Rilifane and Golmdar. Typically members of the Court of Faith are clerics, druids or priests although it is not unknown for a particularly powerful celestial warlock to join the ranks of the Court. The Court of Faith used to control the court system within Ahsemmet, however after the assassination of the High Sultan at the hands of Idrith of the Faith, the Court was stripped of that responsibility (which is now shared amongst all the Courts) as punishment for the actions of their leader.
The Court of the Wand
The Court of the Wand are the keepers of all knowledge within the empire. Although specializing in the arcane, the Wands manage all aspects of knowledge including the non-magical sciences, medical facilities and the schools within the city of Ahsemmet. While most of the ranks of the Court of Wands are made up of sorcerers, warlocks and ,most recently, wizards it is not uncommon to find healing focused clerics with the Court of Wands as well. Historically the Court of Wands had become somewhat obsessed with the idea of control over death, however after the banishment of Taeros and his followers this focus quickly went out of fashion for the remaining Wands.
Powers and Abilities
- Ability Score Increase- Your Constitution score increases by 1.
- Animal Handling- Due to your nomadic nature you know how to deal with domesticated animals such as mounts and gain a proficiency in Animal Handling.
- Desert Weapon Skills- You have proficiency with the scimitar, shortbow, and longbow.
- Extra Language- Due to your wandering nature, you can speak, read, and write one extra language of your choice.
- Khiasa'Kesir Magic- You know the fire bolt cantrip. At 3rd level you can cast beast bond once per long rest. At 5th level you can cast the flame blade spell once per long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability.