
Only those who walked amongst the ancients can truly know their secrets…
- -- Danifae, Mistress of The Servitors of the Undying
Biological Information
Physical Characteristics A Nar'Kesir typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 50 and can live to be 300 years old.
The Nar’Kesir look almost vampiric in nature, their skin having taken on an undeath-like greenish-grey hue.
Although their hair varies in color like normal elves, the Nar’Kesir almost always dye their hair black or white.
Sociocultural Information
Millennia ago, a select group of elves led by the Archmage Taeros were cast out of the elven city of Ahsemmet for perceived attacks against the throne. These outcasts believed that the Kesir had forgotten their ancestors and what could be learned from them. Exiled from their home, this group sailed west and eventually landed on an unnamed island west of the Savagelands. Taking up residence deep within the darkwood jungles of this land, the elves took the name Nar’Kesir.
After the initial settlement, the Nar’Kesir’s magical prowess was warped by the dark properties of the island they inhabit. Now undying soldiers move through these jungles filled with ancient power, and the zealous elves strive to be the masters of undeath, joining their master Taeros in lichdom. Not even the mighty dragons of the region have been able to stand up to the fervor and power of these elves. Guided by the long-reaching plans of the Covenant of the Bone, it looks as if nothing is out of the reach of the Nar’Kesir.
Taeros is a land of magical forests and jungles, and the land itself resonates with powerful necromantic energy. Although it holds natural resources in abundance, including the soul sources of deadwood and blackwood, Taeros’ true strength is the abundant flow of necromantic power that gave rise to the undying soldiers that protect the realm and the council of intelligent undead that guide it. The presence of these powerful soldiers and advisors has protected Taeros from even the strength of dragons, allowing the Nar’Kesir’s culture to flourish for generation after elf generation.
The necromantic energies of the forests of Taeros have altered the appearance of the Nar’Kesir since they first arrived millennia ago. The Nar’Kesir look almost vampiric in nature, their skin having taken on an undeath-like greenish-grey hue. The features have become very sharp, their ears more elongated. Nar’Kesir eyes tend to vary between green, grey, and yellow, although black eyes are not unknown. Their hair also varies in color like normal elves, however the Nar’Kesir almost always dye their hair black or white. Outside of that, they share the basic appearance of the other elves of the world: thin and lithe bodies, approximately six feet tall, with very elegant movements.
Nar’Kesir often adorn themselves with skull like symbols on their clothing, including skull-shaped earrings, broaches and crests. Most spell casting Nar’Kesir wear blackened or golden crowns with their family symbol emblazoned on it; however the more martial of their kind enjoy wearing helm sculpted to look like blackened skulls of various varieties.
Powers and Abilities
- Ability Score Increase- Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Constitution score decreases by 1.
- Nar'Kesir Weapon Skills- You have proficiency with the sickle, shortbow, and longbow.
- Nar'Kesir Magic- You know the chill touch cantrip. At 3rd level you can cast ray of sickness once per long rest. At 5th level you can cast the gentle repose spell once per long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability.