
The forest protects those who dwell within it, but we must also protect it in return…
- -- Greenlee Thundermist, Archdruid of Ygg'Drisil
Biological Information
Physical Characteristics A Rilis'Kesir typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 50 and can live to be 300 years old.
Sociocultural Information
From deep within the forests surrounding the great tree Ygg'Drisil, the Rilis’Kesir have stood watch over the planet of Sytheria for millennia. Worshipping the world around them and its physical manifestations, the Rilis’Kesir have taken it upon themselves to protect the planet from the unnatural darkness that has begun to crawl across its face. For the first time in millennia, the Rilis’Kesir have emerged from their wooded homes in order to go on the offensive, and by doing so, hope to end the true destruction before it can start.
Little is known about the Rilis’Kesir people, their customs, or their homeland. While it is quite obvious that these people share an especially deep connection to the planet, no one but the elves themselves truly know the nature of this bond. It does seem that their bond is with the great trees of the world, for as they distance themselves from any of the World Trees, their amazing powers fade to nothingness. Because of this, Rilis’Kesir travelers always carry pieces of their World Tree homes with them to help sustain their life force while they are away from the tree itself.
The Rilis’Kesir civilization is by large a theocratic one. Led by the Archdruids of Ygg'Drisil, the Rilis’Kesir have few laws within their cities. These powerful beings protect not only the forest, but also the World Trees themselves from attacked by anyone from the outside world. The only thing that is paramount to all Rilis’Kesir is the preservation of nature. As such, the Rilis’Kesir civilization is not particularly structured, since such a rigid structure is rarely found in nature.
As the original elven race, the modern physical traits of all other elves are derived from the Rilis’Kesir. Because of this, the lithe angular frame and pointed ears commonly associated with the better-known elf species. Rilis’Kesir skin tone tends to be darker than their Khiasa’Kesir cousins however, with a ruddy reddish brown color to it. Rilis’Kesir often have either green or brown eyes, however yellow eyes are not unknown. Rilis’Kesir also take great pride in their hair. Most Rilis’Kesir have blonde, brown or red colored hair, however a rare child is born with green hair. They will also often create intricate braids and designs with their hair; incorporating leaves and flowers and spending hours getting the patterns just right.
Rilis’Kesir usually wear browns, greens, and dark yellows; primarily the colors of the forests. They also enjoy using leaves, twigs and such in their clothing, which augments their natural ability to hide in natural surroundings. Rilis’Kesir are masters of long-range attacks, and as such will always be seen carrying a longbow or shortbow, depending upon their chosen adventuring class.
Powers and Abilities
- Ability Score Increase- Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
- Elven Weapon Skills- You have proficiency with the sickle, shortbow, and longbow.
- Fleet of Foot- Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
- Mask of the Wild- You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.