
General Information
Location Information Societal Information |
Settlement Overview
Government: Although Archduke Arkady Tsargovi oversees the westernmost region of Arrania where Tsargoviste is located, day to day operations of the town are run and managed by the local Burgomeister, Rayn Dossel.
Defense: A respectable number of Arranian Crownsguard protect Tsargoviste, occasionally bolstering their defenses with hired mercenaries or adventurers.
Commerce: Tsargoviste is one of the smaller port towns on the coast of the Inner Sea. Despite this, the town has long been a source of import for good from Valis, in particular from the gnomish capital of Thadis. This has resulted in a larger than typical gnome population when compared to most settlements in the Shattered Kingdoms.
Organizations: Small temples and shrines exist to the approved gods of Arrania are present. Two large breweries exist on the outskirts of the city, constantly vying for dominance. Despite the strict laws and punishments of Arrania (or perhaps because of), several criminal organizations, most notably the Greyguard and the Whispered Ones, are active in the background.
The settlement of Tsargoviste lies along the western coast of Arrania at the delta of Blackbrook River and The Barrier Sea. Tsargoviste is one of the oldest settlements of the region, second only to the city of Arrania itself. The city was founded by the Tsargovi family as a port to support their logging operations and lumberyard to the north. Thanks to the fair weather of the region and stretching fields of grain on the outskirts, the town eventually gave rise to a bustling ale-driven economy. Two major families own the brewery operations in the area, the Lirrons and the von Brettin, although several smaller independent breweries have attempted to grow in the region (often only to be bought up by one of the families).
An Ancient Family
Tsargoviste was founded by and carries the name of one of the oldest family lines in Tunis- the Tsargovi family. The Tsargovi's rose to power in the region thanks to their ownership of the Wyrmwood Lumber companies. Supplying wood to all of the nations that would eventually comprise the Holy Lotharian Empire, the Tsargovi family founded the town of Tsargoviste as a port town in order to have better control over the shipment of their goods, which were floated down the Blackbrook River to the sea. Shortly after founding the settlement, the wealth of the surrounding fields became apparent. The wheat which grows in the region has a sweetness unlike any other, perfect for bread and ale. This lead to the growth of this port town into a hub of trade, benefitting the Tsargovi family greatly. Today many of the lesser noble houses of the region claim relation to the Tsargovi's (including the Lirron and Dossel families) in order to boost their own fortunes. The current head of family Tsargovi, Archduke Arkady Tsargovi and his wife, the Archduchess Adrianna, rule over the entire western region of Arrania south of Menetyre from Tsargovi Keep northwest of Tsargoviste. Archduke Arkady is currently third in line for the crown of Arrania.
The town is headed by Burgomeister Rayn Dossel, a distant cousin of the Tsargovi family who has parleyed this relation to a position of power. Rayn has also married the daughter of Jalcolm Lirron, leveraging their influence to further his goals within the region, leading some to mutter of favoritism for the Lirron brewery, though they have no power to challenge him. Burgomeister Dossel revels in his position, often making public shows of his power by holding small celebrations or executions, depending on his mood. He also ensure that whenever the Tsargovis are in the region great contests are held in their honor. Despite his obvious lust for power, Dossel is held in check by the laws of Arrania, knowing that even his family relations could not keep him from swift justice should his more shady endeavors be discovered.
Crime in Tsargoviste usually involves petty thefts of shipments and burglaries rather than any major conflicts. The Arranian Crownsguard have their pockets padded by the brewing families to pay special mind to their wares. Arranian justice is swift and brutal, and as such the town is one of the safest in the Shattered Kingdoms. Unfortunately this has led to viewing the Crownsguard as executioners rather than protectors and most citizens will do anything they can to prevent them from getting involved. Due to the amount of business that enters and exits the port criminal organizations do have a foothold within the town, particularly in the Portsward area outside the town's walls. The Greyguard smugglers run a small operation at the behest of Burgomeister Dossel (somewhat legitimizing it), however the Whispered Ones are of far more concern for the populace within the town's walls.
Despite the impression the walls of the town may give, Tsargoviste is a rural borough of simple homes, competing breweries, and fishing huts on the western shores of the Blackbrook River delta. Travelers from the south consider Tsargoviste a relatively simple and folksy welcome to Arrania, in spite of its harsh laws.
The town is broken into four main sections. The Northward borders the wind-kissed grain fields, and houses the privately owned breweries and other local industries. The Riverward forms the eastern portion of the settlement, comprised of residential neighborhoods and lakeside fishing communities. The Portsward consists of most of the shipping industry within the town, along with small communities of the workers who support these companies. The western-most region is the Hillsward, where the affluent and noble-blooded live among the guild halls, easily protected by the nearby Crownsguard barracks and limited access for the general populace of the city.
Notable Locations
- Ms. Millia's Mistake- A small tavern and inn located in the Portsward along the inner wall, south of the town center. The tavern is run by Ms. Millia's son, Abrie.
- Burgomeister's House- A small estate that serves as the home and office of the Burgomeister of Tsargoviste, Rayn Dossel. It is located outside the town's wall on a stone outcropping on the eastern side of the Blackbrook River.
- Lawmaster's Keep- One of the larger buildings in Tsargoviste, the Lawmaster's Keep serves as the town primary lawkeeper's office with Lawmaster Rubinforge working here. The building also includes the town jail along with a small office of Arranian Crowsguard.
- Wild Widget's Wondrous Warehouse- The local "branch" of a chain of magic shops spread across the Shattered Kingdoms, run by the Ashtar twins, Iliyan and Iliya Yulbra.
- River Styx- A run down local bar in Portsward with absolute atrocious service. The bar serves as a front to the headquarters of the Whispered Ones within the town of Tsargoviste.
Notable People
Name | Description |
Burgomeister Rayn Dossel | The Burgomeister of Tsargoviste. Dossel goes out of his way to attempt to further his influences, however due to his lack of intelligence, it is often to his detriment. |
Lawmaster Greymak Rubinforge | The former Lawmaster of Tsargoviste. After retiring from adventuring the Kral Arran of Arrania offered him the position of Lawmaster of Tsargoviste. Greymak eventually gave his life to protect the city in 411 AS from an attack by Kadum's aberrations. |
Commander Alistair Ashborne | Commander of the Crownsgard for the Tsargovi Dükilik. Commander Ashborne covers the wilderness from Tsargoviste to Menetyre and does so with zeal. Ashborne is a no nonsense commander who understands and respects the responsibility he wields. |
Jalcolm Lirron | The current owner of the Lirron Brau Brewing Company and one of the most influential citizens of Tsargoviste. Jalcolm is known to skirt the law (and official channels) to get what he wants and doesn't take kindly to those who would stand in his way. |
Leanet Lirron Dossel | The daughter of Jalcolm Lirron and wife of Rayn Dossel. Leanet cannot stand her father and married Rayn to spite him. Unfortunately, she hold equals distain for her new husband. Leanet has been known to "step-out" on her husband at times, and isn't shy about getting caught doing so. |
Radu Rustogi | Former owner and purveyor of the Rusk Bucket. Radu's son Taven and wife Maria were saved by adventurer's on board the Mighty Vox. During Kadum's attack on the city Maria Rustogi was killed when the Rust Bucket collapsed. After the battle Radu took his son Taven and left the city. |