Krallik of Arrania

General Information
Kral Arran Orzso Gezolt
Location Information Societal Information Historical Information
The Krallik of Arrania is a nation on the continent of Tunis and one of the member nations of The Shattered Kingdoms, formerly known as the Holy Lotharian Empire. Initially founded over 200 years prior to The Shattering joined the Holy Lotharian Empire along with the other Human nations of Tunis. Since the Lotharian Civil War Arrania has once again gained its independence, although it remains a part of the Shattered Kingdoms.
The Krallik of Arrania is located in the Northwestern portion of Tunis, stretching from the western shores of Lake Artanu and the Worldspine Mountains to the eastern shores of the Barrier Sea. In the northern reaches of the kingdom lie Lake Artanu and its swamplands. Towering over the eastern lands lays the Worldspine, forming a natural boundary between the Human lands and those of the Kesir. The rest of the kingdom is dominated by the Plains of Arran, a fertile plain spanning the shores of the Barrier Sea and covering over three quarters of the nation. At one time a large forest was present in the center of the Plains of Arran, known as the Blackened Wood (for the color of the lumber harvested from the forest), however most of the forest has been destroyed by the lumber trade, leaving only small groves scattered throughout the plains.
Arrania is bordered on the south by the Kingdom of Dartana and on the north by the Ustanu Sovereignty.
Notable Settlements
Krevi Dükalik
- Brailford: A small farming village situated in the southern reaches of Arrania along the Worldspine Mountains.
- Dresden: A small fishing town in southern Arrania known for being the only location crag lobsters are commercially caught.
- Krevi Keep: The seat of power for the Krevi Dükalik, Krevi Keep is surrounded by a city of no small stature, easily ranking as the third largest city in Arrania. This city is sometimes referred to as Kreviurbe, despite holding no official designation.
Tsargovi Dükalik
- Menetyre: The second largest city in the Krallik, Menetyre serves as the primary port for Arrania and is also the primary seat of worship for the Church of Bahamut within the Shattered Kingdoms.
- Timberwald: At one time a large lumber settlement, Timberwald was the seat of lumber trade in Arrania. Since most of the plains have been cleared, the size of this settlement has dwindled dramatically.
- Tsargoviste: A large town known as the home to two of the largest breweries in the Shattered Kingdoms- Lirron Brau and Von Bretton Ales. Tsargoviste also serves as a major shipping port since it sits on the delta of the Blackbrook River.
- Tsargovi Keep: The seat of power for the Tsargovi Dükalik. Tsargovi Keep was built into the side of a large granite cliff-face, exposed during the shattering after a large chuck of the Umbral moon impacted outside of Menetyre.
Adessa Dükalik
- Fort Adessa: The former seat of power of the Adessa Dükalik, the fort has been largely abandoned for the last 100 years as the seat of power moved to the capital, however it is still used by the Crownsguard and the Bladesworn for military training.
- Kent Arrania: The Capital of the Krallik of Arrania, Kent Arrania is the largest city and the center of power for the entire kingdom.
Vigas Dükalik
- Grinstadt: A coastal town known for the large mining operation on the outskirts of the town. The Grinstadt mines provide much of the coal for the kingdom.
- Vigas Keep: The seat of power for the Vigas Dükalik, the keep itself is built in the center of Lake Vigas, requiring boat or underground transport to reach.
The Krallik of Arrania is a predominantly Human civilization (70%), having been founded by Human immigrants from Valis in 207 BS. Since that time there has been an influx of other races into the kingdom, particularly as conflict with the Kesir has abated (Rilis'Kesir and Khiasa'Kesir make up about 6% of the populace combined). Arrania is also notable for sizable Dwarven and Olith'Dar populations (6% and 4% respectively), both as a result of the destruction of their home cities and subsequent migrations. Various other races make up the remaining 14% of the population.
The current head of state is Kral Arran Orzso Gezolt and by the time of the Attack on Tsargoviste he is in the 42nd year of his rule. His word is law and his law is absolute throughout the Krallik of Arrania.
Arrania has historically been one of the safest nations in the Shattered Kingdoms. In exchange for protecting its citizens from chaotic horrors and shadowed evils beyond its borders, the crown of the Krallik demands that its citizens pay it tithe, follow its laws, worship its gods, and bow to the installed local leadership (known as "Lawmasters", such as Greymak Rubinforge in Tsargoviste). This accord has led to a prosperous century since the end of the civil war, primarily for the Arranian political elite. Otherwise, most citizens of the Krallik are left to their own devices. However, tensions brew beneath the chafing watch of the Crownsguard.
The Arşidüks
The kingdom itself is split into four dükaliks (dukedoms), each of which is controlled by one of the Arşidüks (Archdukes) of Arrania. Although the capital, Kent Arrania, sits within the Adessa Dükalik, it is considered an independent city-state, ruled over by the Kral Arran himself. Within each of these dükaliks the word of the Arşidük is considered the word of the Kral Arran himself. That said, no Arşidük has the ability to override the word of the Kral Arran, even within his own lands.
Tithe Collectors
Every six months, tithe collectors travel through the empire, each usually escorted by a couple Crownsguard. These collectors report directly to the Arşidüks and are recognized by their black cloaks with gold trim. Collectors go building to building, business to business and inspect ledgers, ask about each business, look at the means in which they're living, and then make an estimation of what each Arranian citizen would owe for the biannual tithe. Collectors then collect the money and then move on their way. Officially, this process is so each citizen can contribute to the military spending and social programs of the Krallik as a whole. Unofficially, this is also used as a means of inspecting for any illegal activity and anything that goes against the Crown. Often, a lot of people get arrested for illicit goods and activities discovered while tithes are being collected.
The Crownsguard
The Crownsguard are a paramilitary gendarmerie that serves a the primary law enforcement arm of the Krallik of Arrania, as well as its military reserve. They are sent throughout each major city in order to keep the peace, while also acting as a national secret police that observes and eliminates any opponents to Kral Arran Gezolt's reign. Their standard uniform and equipment consists of teal cloaks, bronze scale mail breast and arm plates, an emblazoned shield, greaves, a helmet, a crossbow, and a basic longsword.
The Bladesworn
The Bladesworn is the military of the Krallik of Arrania. They wear plate mail with a silver and dark-teal design. They (along with the Crownsguard) are trained at Fort Adessa.
The Kris
The Kris act as the Crown's personal assassins and are regarded by most Arranian citizens as ghost stories and urban legends often told to children as bogeymen to warn against disobeying parents or staying out too late. Only the Krallik's elite are aware that The Kris truly exist. The Kris answer directly to the Arranian crown.
As judged by the eyes of the local lawmaster, appointed hands of the lawmaster, or The Lawbearer herself, any criminals discovered and/or convicted of crimes within local halls of judgement throughout the empire are subject to punishment befitting the crime. All fines and punishments for crimes against a Crownsguard member, Bladesworn soldier, or noble are doubled. All fines and punishments regarding crimes against an imperial official are tripled. The punishment for crimes listed below are as dictated by the Crown, however the individual punishments doled out in each of the Dükaliks is at the discretion of the local Arşidük and can often be more severe.
- Theft: 5-10 days incarceration and/or a fine of twice the worth of the stolen goods.
- Slavery: 12-20 months incarceration and a fine of 1800 gp.
- Trespassing: 12 days incarceration and/or fine of 215 gp.
- Tax Evasion: 5-30 days incarceration and a repossession of property equal to the amount owed.
- Damage to Private Property: 5-15 days incarceration or a fine of twice the worth of property damaged.
- Damage to Crown Property: 15-60 days incarceration and a fine of twice the worth of property damaged.
- Kidnapping: 60 days incarceration and/or a fine of 800 gp.
- Assault with Intent to Injure: 30 days incarceration and/or a fine of 350 gp.
- Assault with Intent to Kill: 250 days incarceration and/or a fine of 1800 gp, or execution.
- Murder: 8-15 years incarceration, and/or a fine of 6000 gp, or execution.
- Treason: Execution.